Bartlett - Established 1884 in New York City


Camp Activities



On July 24, 2004, at the Camp’s annual Picnic Meeting, National Auxiliary SUVCW President Danielle Michaels re-chartered the Frances Finch Auxiliary No. 9 with Rank from August 9, 2003. This Auxiliary was originally chartered in Grand Rapids on January 28, 1925. Officers installed that day were Marge Pifer, President; Marian Solem, VP; Mary Rose, Sec/Treas; Mary Lautner, Chaplain; and Alice Barr, Patriotic Instructor. Also in attendance for this grand event were National Commander-in-Chief Kent Armstrong and SC-in-C Steve Michaels.

On March 26, 2004, Camp No. 14 celebrated its 90th Anniversary with a gala dinner party at the Elks Lodge in Traverse City. Historical records and relics were put on display and community leaders were in attendance to honor the Camp.


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