Bartlett - Established 1884 in New York City




Camp Activities



Chris Czopek Presentation

March 29th

Chris Czopek gave his presentation: “General Grant’s Indian Sharpshooters” at the Charlevoix Public Library. The event was well attended by the community and members of the Ogitchedaw Warriors Society from Saginaw. Commander Aurand answered questions about the SUVCW and handed out Camp 14 brochures.


Traverse City Record Eagle

April 11th

The Traverse City Record Eagle newspaper began running a series of articles written by Loraine Anderson, a former Mayville classmate of PDC Rick Greene, about Traverse City’s role during the Civil War.


Grave Dedication Ceremonies

May 7th

Camp 14 has been extremely busy throughout the month of May. On May 7th, the long awaited grave dedication ceremony to honor Company ‘K’ warriors, John Jacko and William Isaacs was conducted under sunny skies. The ceremony commenced with the steady drumming and songs from the Grand Traverse Band Medicine Lodge Singers. Immediately following Cindy Patek and Doris Winslow performed their own tribute to their ancestor, John Jacko. Tom Jenkins, serving as Master of Ceremonies, welcomed family and friends of the veterans, as well as the Boyne City American Legion Post 22, and Peshawbetown’s Eagletown Post 120.

Representing the Dept of Michigan; Commander Don Shaw and Senior Vice Commander Dave Arnold were in attendance. Lt. Dean Lamphere and 6 members of the 14th Michigan SVR joined the Camp 14 Honor guards; under the command of Major Fred Leyh. Over 40 Brothers and associated order members participated, in addition to 100 descendents, tribal members and guests.

Chris Czopek described his efforts to locate the graves of the veterans. He complimented the staff of the Boyne City Clerk’s office who assisted him sorting thru the historical and Maple Lawn cemetery records until they successfully located the graves that had lain unmarked and forgotten for over a century. MC Jenkins turned the event over to CC Aurand, who ordered the bugle to sound the ‘Attention’ and for the GAR ceremony to commence.

Following the ceremony, descendents and visitors alike stepped forward to compliment all of the participant’s for their "professionalism, dedication and deeply moving presentation". Immediately following the GAR ceremony, Major Leyh and Lt. Lamphere led the Honor Guard to the grave of William Isaacs, where Chris Czopek gave a brief description of Isaacs service, followed by a 3 volley salute and “Taps”.


Department Encampment

May 20th - 21st

Despite $4 a gallon gas, 6 Brothers drove to Lansing to participate in the 122nd Department Encampment on May 20– 21. Delegates were Commander Dale Aurand, Past Camp Commander Neal Breaugh, SVC George Goodrich, Secretary Tom Jenkins, and Brother Jerry Grieve. Commander Shaw appointed members to the Committees on Bylaws, Officers Reports, and Resolutions; Brother Skillman assisted PDC Gary Gibson on the Resolutions Committee. Camp 14 Brothers elected or appointed to Department Offices include CC Aurand (as Department Guide) and Sec. Tom Jenkins as Department Council member.


National Soccer Administrators Conference

May 28th

Camp Commander Aurand, Sec. Jenkins and Brother Jerry Grieve carried the National, State and Camp colors during the opening session of the National Soccer Administrators Conference at the Grand Traverse Resort. The next day, Brother Jenkins also presented a history of Memorial (Decoration) Day to the congregation of Williamsburg United Methodist Church. Brother Jenkins recited the poem, "A Soldier Died Today" that deeply touched all of those present.


Memorial Day

May 30th

Camp 14 was active throughout northwest Michigan on Memorial Day. SVC Goodrich was in Honor, while the Morse family led ceremonies in Lake Ann. A large contingent of Brothers and Francis Finch volunteers traveled to the tip of the Leelanau peninsula to participate in Northport’s Memorial Day ceremonies.

George Anderson and Neal Breaugh had been working together since 2005 to enlist Camp 14’s participation in the annual event. Each year the community devotes recognition of the veterans of one of America’s wars who are buried at the Leelanau Township cemetery. This year’s theme was the Civil War. Keynote speaker, Jerry Dennis, attired in a Confederate cap, (in honor of his Arkansas ancestors), did an excellent job of describing the economic and social pressures that finally dragged the country into armed conflict in 1861. He then provided a synopsis of the War through surrender of Robert E. Lee and the assassination of President Lincoln.

Neal & Emily Breaugh, Dale & Lorraine Aurand, Tom Jenkins and Bill Watson manned the Camp 14 information tent; while Don Gray, Jim Ribby, Paul Timmerman and Chris Skillman comprised the Honor Guard.


Charlevoix - Boyne City

Commander Dale, Brother Jerry Grieve, and Sec Tom Jenkins spoke to the Charlevoix County Historical Research Society in Boyne City Commander Aurand and Sec Jenkins spoke to the Boyne City American Legion and participated in their flag ceremony. CC Aurand discussed with members of the American Legion on the steps needed to form a new Camp and Secretary Jenkins discussed the Grave registration Project.


Brothers Gray and Ribby represented the original volunteers of the 26th Michigan Infantry’s ‘Lake Shore Tigers’ for the Grand Traverse Heritage Festival. Over 500 fourth and fifth graders visited the festival from region schools.

Camp 14 also participated in Traverse City’s annual MIA-POW remembrance with the Veterans Coalition.

On September 11th, as part of Patriot’s Day ceremonies, CC Aurand and Brothers Jenkins, Ribby, Bryant, Grieve and Gray participated in the GTAGS Cemetery Walk at Traverse City’s Oakwood GAR plot.

On September 15 th John Dyle and wife Judy traveled to Lincoln, Michigan to dedicate the grave of Pvt. Josiah Donaldson. At the same time, CC Aurand and GRO Jenkins visited the Grand Traverse Area Genealogy Society to give a talk about the history of the Sons and our mission of locating and preserving the gravesites of Union veterans.

Afterwards they answered questions for descendents interested in obtaining new headstones, how to use SUVCW and other websites that could help them research Civil War ancestors.


Graveside Tributes

October 8th

It was a perfect fall day for Camp 14 to conduct graveside tributes for a pair of brothers; Sergeants Horace and John Calkins (10th Mich Inf and 23th Mich Inf.). GRO Gerry Grieve worked with descendent Betty J. White to obtain the headstones. 15 Brothers from six counties (from as far away as Cadillac, Manistee, Lake Ann, Northport and Pellston), four Frances Finch Auxiliary Sisters and 70 family members attended the ceremony.

At the close of the ceremony, Maj. Gen. Nelson J. Cannon (Commander of the 46th Military Police Command; US Army National Guard) stepped forward and announced: “on behalf of myself and the Governor for the State of Michigan, I present the Commander’s Coin of Excellence”. Maj. Gen. Cannon presented the coin to Camp Commander Aurand while amazed Brothers crowded around to view the coin and offer their congratulations.


Petoskey American Legion

November 1st

Camp Commander Aurand, GRO Jenkins and wives attended the Petoskey American Legion meeting that featured a talk on the Battle of Gettysburg by former Camp 14 Brother, Jon Phillips.


Veteran's Day

November 11th

A blustery November 11th found Camp 14 Brothers traveling to Boyne City, Lake Ann, and other communities to remember the veterans of America’s wars. Camp Commander Aurand, Sec. Tom Jenkins, Treas. Bill Watson joined the Boyne City American Legion for their remembrance ceremony at the waterfront Veterans Park.

Brother Skillman added his 1863 Springfield rifle musket to the Honor Guard’s 3 volley salute. Afterwards the Brothers were invited the new Senior Center for lunch. Camp Commander Aurand joined former American Legion Commander Dean Kleinschrodt leading veterans and visitors in singing ‘God Bless America’. ]

That evening 8 Brothers joined the Grand Traverse Veterans Coalition for services at Traverse City’s new Veteran’s Park. Following the ceremony they reconvened at the Elks Lodge for refreshments and patriotic presentations.


Remembrance Day Ceremonies at Gettysburg

November 19th

Camp Commander Aurand, with Brothers Jenkins and Bryant, traveled to Pennsylvania to march with the Department of Michigan representatives during the Remembrance Day ceremonies at Gettysburg National Battlefield Park.



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