Bartlett - Established 1884 in New York City

GAR Flag
Public Library
Chase, Michigan

Chase Public Library

Chase GAR Flag

Chase GAR Flag

On the wall, incased in glass, behind the librarians desk is the United States flag used by the GAR, Major Fox Post 272, Chase Michigan.  There are 38 stars on the flag which would be the flag after Colorado entered the Union and for the next 13 years.  The original staff is a part of the display.

Located on the Wall opposite the flag

The records of the Michigan Department of the Grand Army of the Republic are housed at the Archives.  These files consist primarily of the periodic Muster Reports filed by each Post to  update the list of Post members.

The Major Fox Post 272 of Chase was organized on Aug. 23, 1884 and disbanded in 1908.  The Post was Mustered with 20 members.  J. J. Tanner had the distinction of serving as both the first and last Commander of this Post.

The last report filed by the Post was dated June 30, 1906 and indicated that there were 10 members.  The Post files no further reports and was dropped from the rolls in 1908.

Although there is no definitive proof of this choice, the Post was probably named in honor of Benton D. Fox, (of Lowell) Major, 21st Michigan Infantry.  He is the only Fox listed in Michigan In The War by John Robertson to hold that as his highest rank.  {The U of M Civil War Military Collection also list Major Perrin V. Fox of Grand Rapids.  Research will continue until the correct Major Fox is determined.

On the Muster Reports Posts also reported, among other things, the place where they held their meetings.  That listing for Post 272 is as follows;
1884 - G.A.R. Hall – Main Street
3/85 - Cooper Hall – State Street
9/85 - G.A.R. Hall – Depot Street
3/87 - G.A.R. Hall – State Street
9/88 - G.A.R. Hall – Main Street
6/93 - Private House – Chestnut Street
6/95 - Town Hall – Main Street
6/96 - G.A.R. Hall – Depot Street
12/96 - G.A.R. Hall – Main Street
12/97 – KOTM
6/99 – No location noted

It should be noted that although the Post may not have owned the building in which they met, they had a tendency to indicate that it was the “G.A.R. Hall”.  The street locations vary in this list and so there may have been several buildings having suitable space for meetings.  It would be interesting to know if any of the locations noted after 1895 still exit and could be identified.

You will note in this listing that the in 1893they indicate that they are meeting in a private residence and this would coincide with the fire you noted in your letter.

There is no indication, in these reports, that they moved their meetings to Reed City.

With regard to Reed City, in 1899 there was a dispute between the Steadman Post 198 and the Womans Relief Corps regarding jurisdictional matters.  This activity led to the split of this Post and in 1900 the I. C. Smith Post 451 was formed in the same community.

On the Report of 12/31/1907, Post 451 reports the muster of James H. Gillespie of Chase and Post 272.

Both of these moves bracket the year that the Post was dropped from the rolls, but there does not seem to be a movement of enough people to indicate a “merger”.

This information was researched and donated to Chase Library by James T. Lyons, SUVCW, of Lake Odessa, MI.  September, 2005

Inspected 12/6/2012
Added to Camp Memorials Records 12/10/2012
G. R. Grieve
Memorials Officers


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